The online scientific-professional journal Projustice is devoted to the issues of law and justice. It was founded in 2012 by a publishing house and civic association Business Intelligence Club, o.z. The magazine is operated on the website and thanks to that it is available for the general professional and lay public. Articles are published in Slovak, Czech or English.

The target group of the Projustice magazine are experts working in practice in individual legal professions (or related fields), the academic public, including students studying law programs, and last but not least the general public looking for qualified but clear and accessible information on current legal and societal issues.

The journal may also publish reports from scientific conferences and other professional events, as well as reports on the publication of scientific and professional monographs and other publications, including the publication of parts of these publications (e.g. cover, title page, content, reviews. It is also possible to publish information articles on events and events in the legal professions, announcements and trailers for upcoming events (the portal also includes a calendar of events).

Our page also allows to publish choricles from scientific conferences and other professional events. It is also possible to publish book publications in PDF format, which creates an effective form of promotion of the editorial activities for legal literature publishing.

The authors of the articles are the representatives of the academic community – employees, doctoral candidates and, where appropriate, students of legal faculties in the Slovak and Czech republics, both experts acting in legal practice, whether judges, lawyers, prosecutors, notaries, bailiffs, or lawyers from other legal professions, or officials and employees of public authorities. Since 2020, the magazine began to include the security sciences.

Registration of the author for publishing in Projustice


Business Intelligence Club, o.z.
Kladnianska 1, 821 05 Bratislava - Ružinov
IČO: 42256020
DIČ: 2023735714

Phone: +421 910 977 933